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Showing posts from April, 2018

The importance of learning mistakes through others.

Everyday kids go to school and go to learn topics such as science, math, English, and history is among them. Being an important school subject would mean that people would take the lessons learned throughout their life and use it for betterment, right? Unfortunately, throughout my life as an adult, many people I know forget the lessons learned. In my opinion, learning from history can prevent a lot of heartache and provide a lot of opportunity. Simple lessons like watching what you say on social media have been repeated many times, such as Mark Cuban’s tweeting. According to Albert Costill’s post about famous twitter mistakes, Mark Cuban got into trouble from a tweet in 2009 and fined $25,000. Coincidently, Mark Cuban yet again got into trouble from another tweet in 2013. Although Mark Cuban could afford these fines, he could have had an easier time be remembering what happened in his history. This also provides a good lesson from others on watching what to post on social media. ...

Why emotional intelligence is important for helping the world.

I feel that many of the worlds problems could be avoided, if everyone learned on to improve their emotional intelligence. Going to school, for twelve years of my life, I learned many facts and ideas that can be used to improve myself. These ideas ranged from algebra to machining and computer design, which could be used to put myself in a favorable career. However, I do not remember taking a class where I would improve myself or to explore emotional intelligence. I feel their absence did not benefit me for school, as I was bullied and the majority of my reactions was to get angry. I knew many other kids who experienced this and we talked about it with no permanent solutions to this situation. What kept me going was the thought that after high school I would have better results for dealing with people. Yet, this turned out to not entirely be true. After reading and learning about emotional intelligence, I believe this would be a way to increase the amount of discussion had, instead o...