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Why emotional intelligence is important for helping the world.

I feel that many of the worlds problems could be avoided, if everyone learned on to improve their emotional intelligence.

Going to school, for twelve years of my life, I learned many facts and ideas that can be used to improve myself. These ideas ranged from algebra to machining and computer design, which could be used to put myself in a favorable career. However, I do not remember taking a class where I would improve myself or to explore emotional intelligence. I feel their absence did not benefit me for school, as I was bullied and the majority of my reactions was to get angry. I knew many other kids who experienced this and we talked about it with no permanent solutions to this situation. What kept me going was the thought that after high school I would have better results for dealing with people. Yet, this turned out to not entirely be true.

After reading and learning about emotional intelligence, I believe this would be a way to increase the amount of discussion had, instead of arguments or fights. More discussions leads to collaboration where both sides discussing a topic or action win, compared to one side winning at the cost of others. Additionally, people with higher emotional intelligence will be able to deal with situations at school or at their work in a constructive way that helps not only themselves, but improves the situation of all involved.
Here are six steps provided by Ramona Hacker that help people understand and improve emotional intelligence. 

Knowing these steps back in school would have helped me to become a better person, learning more on why kids did as they would instead of just getting angry. I know this as they have helped me before dealing with people in the working world. I do not know the exact steps that schools now take to improve on emotional intelligence, but I feel that an increase towards them or the addition of a class would help. I also know that many adults are low in emotional intelligence and finding a way to increase it would be beneficial. However. I do not know the steps to take, the classes to offer, or the exact way to have those adults learn these skills. 

What I do know is that increasing the awareness of emotional intelligence will allow others to find solutions to the problems I have brought forth. What I do know is that driving interest in emotional intelligence brings a demand for additional studies of it, and the demand of it in our schools. 
I hope that the increase in the interest and demand will encourage the development of emotional intelligence of the world, where I believe more problems will be resolved.


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