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The importance of learning mistakes through others.

Everyday kids go to school and go to learn topics such as science, math, English, and history is among them. Being an important school subject would mean that people would take the lessons learned throughout their life and use it for betterment, right? Unfortunately, throughout my life as an adult, many people I know forget the lessons learned.
In my opinion, learning from history can prevent a lot of heartache and provide a lot of opportunity. Simple lessons like watching what you say on social media have been repeated many times, such as Mark Cuban’s tweeting. According to Albert Costill’s post about famous twitter mistakes, Mark Cuban got into trouble from a tweet in 2009 and fined $25,000. Coincidently, Mark Cuban yet again got into trouble from another tweet in 2013. Although Mark Cuban could afford these fines, he could have had an easier time be remembering what happened in his history. This also provides a good lesson from others on watching what to post on social media.
There are other lessons in history that have major implications for the future of mankind or nations. For example, there are many nations that were a part of the United Kingdom’s common wealth. Knowing this history would give a business a huge advantage if they were looking for potential places to do business with English speakers.  Knowing a business’s history, like a buildup of assets in Nike where a future sale may take place, is beneficial to shoe collectors who want to get the latest trends.
I remember myself back in high school taking history classes and I know that some of the material that was covered was not particularly interesting.  I also know that there are many books on history that can be boring, yet what has improved my desire to learn about history was to choose what I wanted to learn. My advice for this is to pick the history lesson that fascinate you and to choose source you like to listen to in order to enjoy the learning.
I have recently been watching several history channels on YouTube to improve my understanding of the world. Many of these videos have provided me with additional lessons and experiences that I use today. One channel I prefer to watch is Extra Credits with one that I would like to share about the Articles of Confederation, which was what was written before the constitution.  Many of the U.S. founders are covered in the video ranging from George Washington, Ben Franklin, and many others.

Channels like theses and other interesting websites have peaked my interest in history and I know from a fair amount of time spent watching them I have grown. Many of the lessons I have used to this day have helped me develop as a person. In addition, there are a lot of nuances and social behavior that I have picked up and understood. It is like the world has opened up to me on how it works.


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